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Biological Filters/Waterfall Weirs
This page is about biological filters. Pond Supplies
Tired of cleaning your filter pads and biological media?
Is fish growth taxing your filtration system? Interested in making your existing water feature more maintenance-friendly and less time consuming with minimal disturbance to your property?

Upgrade your Watergarden for easier and superior performance.
With a simple turn of a handle, sludge and organic waste can be back-flushed quickly and easily. Back-flush nutrient-rich water on your trees and shurbs

UltraKlean™ Pressurized Biological Pond Filter
The Aquascape UltraKlean™ Pond Filter with high-output ultraviolet clarifier and integrated electronic bulb-saver filters ponds, providing pond owners with optimum water conditions and crystal-clear water.
The unique sponge-free design minimizes maintenance and maximizes efficient mechanical and biological filtration. The included biological media packs tightly together, effectively trapping debris.
The high-output UV bulb eliminates single-celled algae which cause single-celled algae (suspended algae) blooms. A bulb-saver timer feature saves bulb life and provides an ideal time to add water treatments.
The simple-to-use self-cleaning feature allows for the unit to be backwashed in less than five minutes without opening the canister or getting your hands dirty.
A cleaning indicator light will automatically remind you when the filter requires backwashing. Aquascape UltraKlean™ Pond Filters come complete with all necessary fittings and carries a 3-year limited warranty.
Product Features
Provides optimal filtration for ponds up to 1,500 gallons / 5678 liters
Efficiently traps dirt and debris and eliminates green water
Includes Aquascape UltraKlean™ Bio-Media and T5 high-output ultraviolet clarifier/sterilizer
Includes 3 x 1", 1.25", 1.5" multi-hose adapters and 1 x backwash cap
Easily integrated into new or existing ponds
3-year warranty (warranty does not cover UV lamp)
Product Specifications
Max Pond Size: 1500 Gallons
UVC Bulb: 28W
Cord Length: 20'
Hose Diameter: 1", 1.25", 1.5"
Retail Price: $660.00

Eco-Clear Pond Filters
EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressure Filters provide excellent, dual filtration for ponds.
Ideal for preformed ponds and small water features needing effective filtration.
• Sturdy filter housings – can be partially buried up to cleaning ring for easy concealment
• Dual filtration – filter pads collect solid debris while bio-media provides biological filtration
• Optional UV for crystal clear water
• Filters are easy to disassemble and clean, making maintenance a snap!
• Multi-step connectors – inlet/outlet fittings accept a variety of tubing sizes
• Three-year warranty
EC2600 and EC3900 unit bonus features
• Cleaning indicator – shows when the filter needs to be cleaned
• Backwash valve to extend the time between full cleanouts
• 1 1/2″ Adaptor fittings for PVC connections

Model Max Pond Size: Diameter x Height Max Flow Rate Inlet/Outlet Size Retail Price
EC1300 600 Gallons 14.08" x 12.24 x 15.47" 1300 GPH 1.5", 3/4", 1" $225.00
EC2600 1300 Gallons 21.26" x 14.92" x 17.48" 2600 GPH 1.5", 1.25", 1" $352.00
EC3900 2000 Gallons 21.26" x 14.92" x 17.48" 3900 GPH 1.5", 1.25", 1" $435.00

Easy Pro External Pressure Filters
Mechanical and biological filtration in one package. Comes with built-in turn handle back-flush assembly for easy maintenance. They can also be left in the ground over winter.
These are invaluable for a pond with heavy fish loads or provide a professional-grade solution for biological filtration where our Filterfalls will not work within the space allocated.
Can be buried up to control head, if desired, for easy concealment
Strong heavy-duty polyethylene body
Simple to assemble and set up
Easy back-flush
Includes Ultimate non-clogging bio media with 500 SSA
Minimal back pressure – high flow rate media creates very little back pressure
Back flush waste line has clear section to easily monitor cleaning cycle
3 year warranty
The Power of the air blower - Regular backflushing is required to clear bead filters of waste. Using an Air Blower first to loosen debris makes back-flushing faster, more efficient, and effective.
Saves on electrical costs
Using an Air Blower first to loosen debris allows the backflush to be completed with an energy efficient, low-head circulation pump
Faster back-flushing using less pond water
Agitating the bead with an air blower prior to backflushing reduces the amount of pond water needed to clean the filter when backflushing
Without an air blower, it can take more water and more backflush cycles to clean the filter when only the circulation pump is used.

Improves filtration capabilities
Preventing the beads from clumping together as the filter ages, the Air Blower helps to keep the surface area of the beads cleaner for maximum filtration.

Model Max Pond Size: Diameter x Height Max Flow Rate Inlet/Outlet Size Retail Price
PBF1800 1800 Gallons 16″ x 31″ 4500 GPH 1 1/2″ $1,200
PBF3600 3600 Gallons 19″ x 36″ 4500 GPH 1 1/2″ $1,605
PBF6000 6000 Gallons 24″ x 43″ 4500 GPH 2″ $2,100
PBF10000 10000 Gallons 31″ x 51″ 6000 GPH 2″ $3,200
‘True Rock’ artificial boulders
‘True Rock’ artificial boulders are ideal for concealing pressure filter control heads, air pumps,
water pumps, pond filters, UV filters, lighting transformers, and other equipment.
Commercial-grade heavy-duty construction stands up to the elements
Colour and texture is part of the material, not painted on
Lightweight, easy to move, and very durable
Will not fade or crack and are made of recycled material
27″L X 21″W X 14″HColour: Greystone / Sandstone
Retail Price: $431.00
33″L X 24″W X 20″HColour: Greystone / Sandstone
Retail Price: $555.00

All UV’s aren’t created equal! The bottom line for UV users is Performance. Aqua Ultraviolet, with 27 years of UV manufacturing excellence, is unsurpassed at delivering high UV output, intensity and high flow rates while delivering superior quality, design, construction, features, lamp life, warranty and customer service.
8 Watt with wiper 3/4”
25 Watt with wiper 2”
57 Watt with wiper 2”
Replacement UV lamps are available

Description Fresh Water Fresh Water Retail Price Sterilizer (gallons) Clarifier (gallons)
Classic 8 Watt 5-200 up to 1500 $674
Classic 15 Watt 200-500 up to 2000 $741
Classic 25 Watt 500-1200 up to 4000 $998
Classic 40 Watt up to 2000 up to 6000 $1423
Classic 57 Watt up to 3000 up to 6500 $1556
Pro Fast Falls
Complimentary to the structural integrity of our Filterfalls, the Pro Fast Falls is a great solution for waterfall features in challenging locations.
Pond liner can be attached to the back of the Pro Fast Falls
or simplyinserted into a lined cavity.
It should be noted that this is not a biological filter.
Three sizes available:
Waterfall Width: 16″
Dimensions: 16.5″ x 9.5″D x 7.25″H
Max Pump Flow: 3000 GPH
Retail Price: $241.00
Waterfall Width: 19″
Dimensions: 20.5″ x 17″D x 10.25″H
Max Pump Flow: 4000 GPH
Retail Price: $349.00
Waterfall Width: 26″
Dimensions: 27.5″ x 17″D x 10.25″H
Max Pump Flow: 6000 GPH
Retail Price: $463.00
Waterfall Width: 38″
Dimensions: 39.5″ x 17″D x 10.25″H
Max Pump Flow: 9000 GPH
Retail Price: $622.00

Waterfall installed with three Fast Falls waterfall weirs.
The low profile design makes it easy to hide with vegetation and rocks. All you should really see it the sight of water with a beautiful cascading waterfall.

Pro Series Biological Waterfall Filters are manufactured under the rotational moulding process. This method of manufacture offers superior design advantages over other moulding processes, such as injection moulding. The process has a number of design strengths, such as consistent wall thickness and strong outside corners that are virtually stress-free. These attributes are particularly vital for the harsh frost conditions an Alberta winter can through at us.
Pro Series Waterfall Filters and not only help keep your pond clean and healthy, but it is also the ideal start to your stream or waterfall. An inlet hole is located on either side of the Biological Filter, for a convenient PVC pipe connection from the skimmer.
Pro Series Biological Waterfall Filters are buried in the ground so that they are hidden from view with the earth excavated for the pond. A dense filter mat ensures that clean water flows through the high-grade bio-media located on top for beneficial bacteria germination and growth. In addition to this, our Pro Series Biological Filters comes complete with a backflush system which allows you to quickly and efficiently cleanse the biofilter during the season for optimum performance.
You get what you pay for. And what you are paying for is the colonization of billions of more aerobic bacteria in your up-to-date bio media working away hard at eating up all those algae-promoting nutrients. Low nutrient levels result in clean, clear, healthy water that green algae just simply have a very difficult time surviving in. So we are not killing algae, we are just starving it out – naturally.
Pro Series FilterFalls Features:
1. Heavy-duty removable top grate supports rock camouflage
2. Support bars add stability and reinforce the top grate
3. Media bag. (Professional grade & back-flushable friendly Bio-Matrix media sold separately to provide max surface area for development of beneficial bacteria)
4. Dual Bio-Tech filter mats for mechanical filtration
5. Sturdy bottom grate supports filter media
6. Rolled upper rim provides clean lines and incredible strength
7. 2” or 3” heavy-duty FIPT bulkhead for high flow rates
8. Bottom chamber accepts bulkheads on all sides while bottom cones reduce the surface area for back-flushing
9. One-piece liner flange allows easy, leak-free attachment of FilterFalls to pond liner
10. Solid lip and moulded-in inserts ensure a watertight liner attachment every time
11. Lifetime Warranty

Model: BF1600
Waterfall Width: 16” spillway
Dimensions: 21½”W x 19½”D x 17¾”H
Pump Flow Range: 1,000 – 3,000 gph
Bulkhead: 1½”
Retail Price: $458.00
Model: BF1900
Waterfall Width: 19” spillway
Dimensions: 28”W x 25”D x 21½”H
Pump Flow Range: 2,500 – 4,000 gph
Max Pond Size: 8’x10′
Bulkhead: 2”
Match to Skimmer: PS4600
Retail Price: $673.00
Model: BF2600
Waterfall Width: 26” spillway
Dimensions: 34½”W x 25”D x 23”H
Pump Flow Range: 4,000 – 6,000 gph
Max Pond Size: 10’x15′
Bulkhead: 2”
Match to Skimmer: PS7000
Retail Price: $821.00
Model: BF3800
Waterfall Width: 38” spillway
Dimensions: 46½”W x 30”D x 23”H
Pump Flow Range: 6,000 – 8,000 gph
Max Pond Size: 15’x20′
Bulkhead: 3”
Match to Skimmer: PS15000
Retail Price: $1306.00